Two years of business… already!?

Thanks to LinkedIn’s handy “anniversary” reminders, I remembered (/learned) that this month signifies something that’s actually kind of shocking.

It was two years ago that my little “side biz” went full-time. It was two years ago that I quit my 9–5, said goodbye to routine and benefits, and jumped into the entrepreneurial pool full-time.

I’ve learned that running your own business is like being on a treadmill. Every. Damn. Day.

I’m not sure I ever spent too much time looking up at this place where I’m at now.

Well, it’s here (somehow). And while it’s kind of shocking to be at this point for a few reasons, this anniversary is actually all about my clients and the awesome people I’ve had the pleasure of working with over the last two years.

THANK YOU to all the clients, writers, advisors and friends who have helped me along the way. Truly couldn’t have made it two years without mega help from so many people. As they say, it takes a village!

Follow us as we grow on…

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About the Author:

Elise Darmanin believes that "travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer." That's why she makes beaches, coffee shops and co-working spaces her office by working remotely while growing Canupy Content. Canupy is a social media and copywriting agency for small to medium-sized businesses. The Canupy team helps brands grow through social media marketing, copywriting and content strategies that inspire audiences and drive sales.

Elise Darma

About the Author:

Elise Darmanin believes that "travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer." That's why she makes beaches, coffee shops and co-working spaces her office by working remotely while growing Canupy Content. Canupy is a social media and copywriting agency for small to medium-sized businesses. The Canupy team helps brands grow through social media marketing, copywriting and content strategies that inspire audiences and drive sales.